Club News

Our Third Place

Our Third Place…

by Lindsay Lucarelli We all need somewhere to go. Somewhere that is not work, And, somewhere that is not home. Somewhere that is void of

Small Businesses make Big Impact

February 4, 2021 by Dave Bundy, Owner of Stow Fitness Center In the Fall, I visited Portsmouth, NH.  I love that city that bustles with

Hip Pain: How to get from STUCK to UNSTUCK

January 27, 2021
Hip pain and discomfort can be reduced and avoided. Learn about what causes hip ailments and proposed solutions. To guide you through specific tips and techniques, join the Happy, Healthy Hip Yoga Workshop with Cindy Boulter, a certified yoga therapist. The Zoom Workshop is Sunday, January 30th.

‘Tis the season of UnControllables – and getting them under control.

January 23, 2021
COVID has unleashed a time of uncontrollables.  For some, we have heard loud voices and stringent political stances.  For many, habits have been initiated that resulted in overconsumption.  Overconsumed items may be alcohol, news, social media, or general engagement with technology and computer devices.  On the flip side, something was given up – such as exercise, connections with friendships, and care of our individual wellness needs.  We all consume too much of something, and not enough of another.  Balance is essential to mental and physical wellbeing and longevity.